I - NOURISHMENT Commentary: Steadfastness brings good luck. Be sure to provide proper nourishment and observe how others nourish themselves. Image: Thunder under the mountain symbolizes nourishment. The superior man watches his words and what he consumes. Changing Lines 1. It is bad luck to let the sacred tortoise go and look at me open-mouthed. 2. Accepting nourishment from one's superiors will lead to bad luck. 3. Persistently turning away from nourishment will bring misfortune. Do not act like this for ten years, for nothing good can come of it. 4. Turning things upside down to provide nourishment is lucky. Watching intently, like a hungry tiger, is not blamed. 5. Leaving the path. Steadfastness brings good luck. Do not cross the great river. 6. Being the source of nourishment brings danger, but also good fortune. It is good to cross the great river.